Thursday, May 06, 2010

Great Jimjilbang... cleaning my desk

I've had the business cards of a great jimjilbang cluttering my desk for months now, so I'm just going to scan and post the info and let you know that this place is pretty sweet: the clay kilns out back are a wonder, and the coal roasters where you can buy rice cakes, potatoes, sweet potatoes and corn, and then roast them yourself, are AWESOME.

You should go there.

Here's the place.  No promises the website will be useful.

It's between the Shinchon/Hongdae area and the Jongno area, and the masseurs are hella strong.



The Seoul Searcher said...

I go there all the time! I've been going there since 2006. It's awesome!

I especially like going into the ice room after being in an exceptionally hot sauna room

Dennis Chew said...

What about Dragonhill Spa? I thought Dragonhill spa was fantastic. If you've been there, please share the differences.

Roboseyo said...

Dragon Hill has a nice pool and a nice rooftop terrace, but this place has kilns that kick dragon hill's ass, and at dragon hill, you can't roast your own potatoes and ddeok over hot coals.